plant-based & people powered

Our primary innovation is casting straw and clay into insulation blocks that are dried in a controlled environment before installation into the building frame. Straw and clay has been used for millienia as a truly sustainable local, natural people-powered insulation technique. Now it plays a role in carbon storing to curb climate change. Our easy to handle, lightweight 5 1/2” thick blocks perform at about R-10.5

Benefits of straw clay

  • Plant-based

  • Straw stores carbon!

  • Naturally regulates humidity

  • Stable, durable, long-lasting

  • Low embodied-energy

  • Natural, non-toxic

  • Non-flammable

  • Not irritating to touch

  • Mold and mildew resistant (Borax)

  • Excellent substrate for plaster


We are offering StraBlocs™ as standard for our NŌDs.

We’re also collaborating with designers and builders to specify StraBlocs™ for your next project, If you’re interested in learning more, please get in touch.

If your’re a builder interested in starting your own Blockery let us know! We want to spread this goodness far and wide!